All varieties of backcountry travelers, rejoice. Colorado Stone Quarries, Inc. has been spending an immense amount of money and time widening sections of Quarry Road out of Marble, Colorado. They’ve been adding parking, trucking in roadbase and applying chloride to keep the summer dust down. We’ve been watching the work all summer — impressive. This coming winter, provided they push snow out of parking areas, we should have even smoother vehicle access to the backcountry skiing.

Looking NE from Lumber Curve to Windy Corner, fresh roadbase, much wider than before. A new parking area is visible about halfway into the photo on inside of curve, as well as to right. In this area alone, we count additional parking for at least 8 passenger vehicles, as well as an extra turnout for passing.

Parking area at Lumber Curve is much improved. This is a few hundred feet east from summer Anthracite Pass trailhead.

Last time we looked, they’d added about 4 parking spots to Windy Corner and they’re still working up there. Things look a bit ragged in new excavated condition, but they’ve been smoothing out topsoil and cleaning things up (usually better than when they began), we’d expect it’ll all be back to normal vegetation given another spring growing season.
I like the addition of parking spots that are not in the big avalanche zone. Very encouraging to see the high quality of work that is being done by Colorado Stone Quarries. Thanks!
Nice! Sheez, what’s next….chairlifts? Just kidding. Have they been able to do anything with the really narrow part near the bible camp?
Scott, they’ve done a tiny amount of work on that section but nothing to make it wider. There is one spot where they could probably build a turnout, would be much safer if they’d do so as long as the new turnout was north of the Ally avalanche path. Since this blog post they’ve done even more work at Windy Corner and it looks nice.